Friday, December 1, 2017

Why I Wrote Fish Food - The Book of Life

I wrote Fish Food because I wanted to share the magic of life.  It was written with the intention to inspire the heart and motivate the mind, by questioning life as we know it.  When we ask questions, we are often rewarded with an answer, but we are rarely aware of it.  I share some of my personal stories of how I’ve received answers to my questions through nature, dreams, and more.

We are all human, and when we gather beliefs from other cultures, we discover a greater truth.  Therefore I write from a human perspective, which includes a variety of traditional creeds.  We are so connected to one another that I literally light up when I think about it.  And it is my hope to light you up as well, as you read Fish Food.

Tucked away between the pages you will find an essence of a deep healing, as I share fragments of my personal sixteen month journey of near death and recovery.   We all can use some healing – that’s for sure.  Yet some people do not know how to heal their world, so I write to teach. 

When I was writing Fish Food, I would sometimes picture a teenager wondering what life is for.  Or an inmate locked away behind bars that is lost and looking for answers.  So if you are a truth seeker, you will enjoy Fish Food – The Book of Life.

If find yourself on a healing journey, or if you’re seeking the wonder and grace this life has to offer, then you are going to love this book!

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"Fish Food" The gift God gave me to share with you Why did I name this book Fish Food?