Friday, December 1, 2017

About The Author - Kim Schulz

I was born the oldest child of three, in a small town located in Central Ohio, in February 1963, under the light of a full moon.  By birth, I am a visionary with a strong sense of justice.   In short, I’m basically a product of the 60’s, raised on Three Dog Night, CCR, and of course the Beatles.  My favorite Beatle would be John Lennon, if that tells you anything.

My grandmother was Sicilian, and was partially raised in a Catholic orphanage.  She was going to become a nun, until her dying sister asked her to marry my grandfather.  About a year after her sisters passing, my grandma and grandpa married.    So I grew up with some strong Catholic roots, personally surviving Catechism and three years of Catholic School.  We even had a priest in the family.

Soon after I graduated, I found myself somewhat jobless and homeless, so I joined the U.S. Army Reserve.  To this day, I take my oath to protect the U.S. Constitution to heart.  I’m very active in protesting when I see an injustice taking place, whether it be standing on a street corner with a sign in my hand, or writing and calling governmental representatives.  I’ve even gathered signatures for petitions. 

I’m a freedom loving soul who likes to move about.  In the mid 80’s I relocated to Southern California.  I came out of the closet in the 90’s and moved to Columbus, Ohio, where I studied law and worked as a paralegal in domestic law; eventually stumbling into real estate.  Then On Halloween 2002, my partner and I moved to Pensacola, Florida, where we reside together now.  

My first place of employment here in Pensacola was with a Catholic Church.   My next job was a bookkeeper with a daily labor/daily pay employment agency that employed thirty or so homeless people on any given day.  I made many friends among them, and I leaned what it truly means to be homeless.  I found myself working as a property manager shortly afterwards.
I have worn many hats over the years, and I have experienced life from many perspectives.   One thing for sure, the older I get the wiser I become.  So I write.  I write to heal the world that I so carelessly helped create.  I thrive to spark a heart and strive to touch as many as I can.

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