Friday, December 1, 2017

Fish Food - The Book of Life "REVIEWS"

“Interjected with humor in just the right places, this book provokes a spiritual reaction that resonates with something deep inside.  It is a book for people who are willing to be open to ideas that challenge old paradigms, people who are willing to be honest with themselves and willing to accept what they find.  Acknowledging that each of us experiences our own spiritual growth according to perception, Kim allows the reader to be comfortable with their own views while allowing us to share in her journey along the road to finding peace and a path to discovering happiness on a daily basis.” – Theresa Graff
“This book would be the perfect stocking stuffer for everyone on your list. I think this uplifting personal book will be one I will read and reread when I need encouragement and a kick in the pants. Great job.” – Jeanne Burnette
“Fish Food is a great read! Full of unconventional wisdom, I recommend it to anyone searching for solace in these trying times.” – Celia White
“’Fish Food’  feels like the author, Kim, is sitting right there talking in everyday simple conversation. Her recent experience of almost dying and then having to live with the physical consequences of this harrowing event gave rise to writing the book. Kim honestly shares early life views and how her perceptions expanded into heart based vision with a focus on positive thought—through personal suffering that would have knocked many people down for the long count. She writes in quick short stories and inner dialog to share with the reader her pearls of wisdom gained through life’s adversities. I thoroughly enjoyed how Kim’s imagination was used to turn life altering physical challenges into opportunities for strength. Easy, enjoyable and inspiring read. The only critique I have is the lack of proper quotations and citations for material used that was not Kim’s creation, although she states the names of other authors when sharing their works.” – Melinda Schott
“A delight to follow this woman's journey in discovering her reality and the making of it. She touches on what is most important in life; love, forgiveness, health, as well as dream journals and spirit animals. Just enough to make you want more.” – Dot Schwartz  

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"Fish Food" The gift God gave me to share with you Why did I name this book Fish Food?